
汽车膨胀NX2007 (2022)

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大家好,欢迎来到机械Dezignz。今天我们将se如何添加列表并添加一部分膨胀在装配视图。我们开始…这是汇编格式。这样我们可以做膨胀和起草partwise……首先我们要去起草……把视图之后我们就去部分列表…设置表的长度,我们必须去部分列表属性……所以通过增加高度可以调整内容在单个表…现在膨胀,我们可以添加任何视图已进口汽车气球…… So by right clicking and choosing show balloon we can do auto ballooning... We can adjust the balloons as required by stretching or double clicking to add or modify contents... Since this is latest NX some commands may be different than older version... Any queries can be carried on to the comments section... Thanks Have a nice day...